Monday, 4 April 2011


Animation is ‘the omnipresent pictorial form of the modern era’ Wells (2002, p.1). Animation has been subject to the postmodern condition of hybridity, taking two different genres and making them in to one, merging the boundaries. Jencks has said (1984 cited in Poyner, 2003, p.19) ‘Postmodern style is ‘hybrid’, double coded, based on fundamental dualities’

I am interested in the hybridization of animation and documentary. This essay will be looking at how animation is used for producing documentaries, the postmodern theories behind them and whether this form can accurately portray reality. Some of the questions I want to ask are, what makes a documentary? and can an animation be classed as one? I will look at several writers in these fields, two being Paul Wells and Paul Ward.

In this critical research essay I will be looking at two examples of animated documentary, Ari Folmans (2008) “Waltz with Bashir” and The Channel 4 series “Animated Minds

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